The Late (very) Update
Holy hell, it's been a long time since I have even looked at this blog. Last night I was thinking about how I should print out all the entries and put them in a book to look back on later. So, I am going to add a new one, just to keep things fresh. I can't really say I have anything specific to write about, but I can go down the list and talk about what's new.
First things first. Bas and I hit our two-year anniversary last month. (Clapping and cheering in the background, thanks!)Things between us are going well and we are still happy to be together. Me: if given the choice to get married again, would I still have married Bas? Absolutely. I fall in love with him more and more every day. I know that we were meant for each other even more now. I feel very strong that we will be together forever. Are things perfect? No! Don't be silly. But I can honestly say that I am very happy to be with him.
Next! Bas and I haven't managed to get pregnant yet, although we are giving it the old college try. Minus the beer. I have decided to buy an ovulation kit next month to up the chances a bit. Having sex to get pregnant sucks a royal egg. For real. It basically takes all the romance out of your sex life. It's so unspontaneous and boring. Since we have about five days in a row that we HAVE to do it, it just isn't fun. And it causes you to brush off sex for every other day of the month. Well, not EVERY other day, but we definitely have sex a lot less now. And when we do have to do it the sexy talk pretty much consists of: "Ok, let's do this already! Huuurrrrry up!" You know I think when anything becomes a "job" you can pretty much bet that you'll dislike it. But forward we must move. We want a baby and this is how we have to go about it. So, I'll keep you all informed of how it goes. But remember...from my last pregnancy...I won't be blogging about it UNTIL I SEE THE DOCTOR! (see entry: Blighted Ovum)
Next! My two beautiful nieces (in addition to the other two beautiful nieces) are turning one in August. They are growing up so fast, it makes me sick that I am not around to enjoy all of their stages in life. I mean, Milan is walking already (she has older sisters to emulate, unlike Olivia)and they both have teeth....Before I know it they'll be walking around with a head full of gray hair! Life is funny in the way that the older you get the faster it flies. And having kids around seem to make that phenomenon even worse.
Next! My job is going well. I am 100% happier here than I was at Orc. I do work hard, but the difference is that here they notice it, appreciate it and reward you for it. It's really refreshing.
Next! We are going to be taking a rad vacation in three weeks. We are flying into Vegas and taking a helicopter over to the Grand Canyon to do a sa-weet 4-day rafting adventure. We spend the first night at a ranch and the next few nights camping out in the Canyon. The company provides all the camping gear and meals. This is going to be a vacation like I have never taken before. Admittedly, I am a little nervous about it. I can't explain why, but I am definitely feeling the butterflies.
Next! I am sure I have spoken about my expanding waistline somewhere in this blog before. Well, I have decided to go on my very first certified diet. I am following the weight watchers point counters. Basically, you (well, them) assign a certain number of points to every food based on the calorie, fat and fiber content. You totally become obsessed with it. You look at food and all you can see are numbers. I even have Bas asking how many points everything is. Of course, he can still eat what he wants and I mean whatever. It's scary. I've even asked him to see a doctor and see if he has a parasite sharing his meals. And if so, please...pass it on to me. I take a parasite. Hey, that should be a diet product. Could you imagine?