Take me back to......

My best friend Anthony, who I mention in this blog quite often, reminded me of how damn old I am. And he is too.
When we were sixteen...many moons ago... and still in high school, we used to sit out in front of my house smoking cigarettes and talking for hours.
We used to gaze into the future and wonder what it would be like when we left our youth behind and entered the big and scary (yet full of freedom and DRIVING) world of adulthood.
We used to say how funny it would be when we were thirty and we would gather for dinner parties, poker nights or reunions with our friends. We imagined ourselves drinking, laughing and talking about old times and the music we used to listen to when we were young.
We pictured turning the stereo (hell, it was the future so we would actually say to our robot "maid" Rosie, "play music") and turn it to the "oldies" station. All of a sudden song from Public Enemy busts out. So, we thought we would say, "Oh hell naw ya'll, take me back to Public Enemy."
So at that point in our minds we would be gazing into the past remembering that exact moment in time when we were thinking about that exact moment in time.
And the grossest thing is....that's where we are now. Only we're not thirty. WE'RE THIRTY-TWO!!!!!!!! Ewwww!