Drop it on The One

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Celebrity Sighting

Lance Armstrong.

Saw him, well........rode with him in an elevator.

He was waiting for the elevator with some non-famous dude and I was with my co-worker, Lisette. I tapped her and did the head/chin motion to tell her to look.
There was a girl standing next to him staring and she said, "Aw, I'm just gonna do it....Hi Lance (shakes his hand) my dad is a huge cycling fan."
Then the elevator came and we all got in.

Lisette also shook his hand. He looked at me as if I wanted to shake his hand too, but I didn't. I just said hello.
I always feel weird about stuff like that with celebrities. I'm sure they must get sick of touching every germy hand from al the Toms, Dicks, Harrys and Sallys of the world. I mean really, they must have to shake sooooo many damn grimy hands. And how do they know where those hands have been? How do they know those hands haven't been scratching on some balls. Or picking a nose. Or that a hand just shook another hand of someone who handled poop from their dog???
Just gross. And I'm no germ freak, but thnk about it for one moment.
So, the girl ended up asking for an autograph. So did Lisette.
Again, I didn't ask. Another thing I feel weird about.

So, Lance gets out on the 24th floor and we continued up to the 30th.

I'm not really feeling Lance these days because he and Sheryl Crow broke up when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Of course, I don't know what happened between those two, but I get the feeling she didn't break up with him while she had cancer. Not really something that people like to face alone.

The only thing she said about it to the media (from what I saw) was that she can't stop Lance from being Lance.
Doesn't sound too good. And I love her so...........Go team Sheryl!


At 4:08 AM, Blogger gelvis said...

What up tenacious? Loved this post! so glad your blog is back up and running. Love you!


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