Celebrity Sighting.....

Last night when I was walking to the train station to go home, I saw Kenya from America's Next Top Model (Naima season). She was the girl, for those of you who tune in, who had gained a bunch of weight and still couldn't stop eating.
Well, she was walking down 33rd Street all dressed up and looking really pretty, I must say. And not at all plump, chubby, big-boned, or fat. But she did look a little dazed. Almost like a living manequin or something. She had a smile that was stuck on her face. I actually thought for a moment she was smiling at me.
Maybe she was practicing for a go-see. Who knows?
Gelvis is jealous that you get to live, or at least work now, in NYC; what with all those celebrity sightings. It must seem surreal sometimes, hugh? Well I hate to ruin the surprise for all your loyal readers out there... umm, guess I'm not really ruining anything since it's just me LOL! But CONGRATUFUCKINLATIONS on your finally getting to be a Mommy! I'm so happy for both of you. I guess Bas does indeed have some potent baby-batter left in him. LOL!
Hey Tenacious,
So I went ahead and posted some pix for you on here like you asked. Hope you like them. If so, I'll do more...I just didn't want to get too carried away, LOL! One of these days soon I'll do another posting on my own blog. Hope you're enjoying the extended weekend. Love ya! =)
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