Happy 2006

Hey, if anyone other than Gelvis ever visits this post, mosey on over to my boy Anthony's blog:
He's a funny guy and has lots of crazy stories to tell. He's a blogging newbie because he's only posted once, but don't worry he'll get on a roll soon enough so stay tuned.
It's actually 2006. Now we can all se how long will it take us to get used to writing that year on checks, letters, documents and what not? I mean we've been writing /05 for the 365 days.
Last year, I wrote a check to some company in early January (I can't remember who) and they actually mailed me the check back saying that I wrote the wrong year on it. C'mon now, just take your little pen and correct it dammit! You know that was an honest and very common error. Don't be so stupid.
So, because I am a step-mommy and we had our son this weekend, the festivities on New Year's Eve was quite limited. Bas and I purchased some beers, a 101 delicious and albeit fattening as hell appetizers ("bites" as Bas refers to them), a moderately expensive bottle of champagne and hung out watching TV all night. Ean even celebrated a little with his Strawberry CapriSun, Oreos and SpongeBob video. We let him stay up until about 10. Two hours past his usual bedtime.
When 11:59 rolled around, we turned the tele to MTV, watched the familiar Swavarski crystal encrusted, lighted ball drop down the stick that is mounted smack dab in the center of Times Square, all the while participating in the preverbial 10-second countdown. My husband and I kissed and toasted to our first New Year as a married couple. Then we watched some show on the History Channel about the history of cocaine. Quite interesting. We didn't even feel like drinking our champagne, so it's chillin' in the fridge to this day. Maybe next Sunday we'll make mimosas with it.
That's right folks! Real exciting New Years stuff here.
But I feel I should confess to something (and this is really showing my age). I can't imagine that we would have done much more even if Ean wasn't there. I mean, does anyone else agree with me when I say that New year's is an overrated holiday? Once you've done it, you've done it. How many years can it hold its' excitement?
Year after year it's the same ol' same ol'.........
All the bars and clubs charge mega amounts of money to enter their establishment when normally they know that crap is either free or cheap to get in.
Restaurants all create a price fixe menu that they highly overprice and with which they begin taking reservations for about a month in advance. All of sudden MaryAnn's Mexican Cantina, which got a 16 on food in the Zagat survey or Barry's BarBQ which you can always walk in and get a table on any other night (including Saturday), think they're the hot shit for the night. "Oh, you don't have a reservation? So sorry, we are booked until 12:30. Shall I add your name to the list?"
And then on your way home you have to hope that some drunk dude or dudette doesn't kill or maim your ass on your way home. Or that your drunk ass doesn't do the same. Or that some asshole that thinks it's fun to shoot a gun into the air's bullet doesn't catch you in the side of your face or between your 5th and 6th vertebrae.
Whoa, this is my mother talking! These are the things she used to always fear about her kids going out on New Year's Eve.
So, what happened to the young, cool, happening, immortal Danielle that was all like, "Tsk, that ain't gonna happen to me, Mom. I'm hittin' the streeets for a good time. I'll be fine. Don't worry!?"
Well, I suppose this is how it all goes down. This is what happens to our lives as each New Year closes and a new one begins. You get older. More cautious about things. More conscious to the dangers that lurk.
More like your parents. Hell, now you are somebody's parent.
But for me 2005 was definitely a great year. Everything pretty much went right for me. Plus it was the year I got married.
Now I hope next year on 12.31.2005 I'll be able to say the same thing.
Uh, I mean, 2006.
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