Drop it on The One

Thursday, December 15, 2005

3-Day Rollin'

Hey ya'll, Big D has blogged three days in a row! (Go 'head, go 'head, it's your birthday) I'm on a roll but I can't promise you it will continue. But I'll do my best.

Tomorrow (starting at 12 midnight) NYC may be facing a strike of the transit workers (MTA). This means that the public transportation system will be on lock down. No subways, no buses, no shuttles-nothing! This will be huge. It will cripple the NYC workforce, not to mention the tourists. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to have to find another way to work, school, the doctor, the hairdreeser, drug dealer, etc. I read that 4 out of 5 people take public transportation to work. Of course taxis will be available, but it's even difficult to get a cab when it's raining out and that's when the subway works.
And get this....tomorrow the weather is going to be horrible. Raining/snowing. AKA-Wintery mix. Oooof!

Now, I can get into the city because the bus I ride is not part of the MTA, however once I get here.....that convenient little two-stop 7 train I ride isn't going to be functioning. I'm not too far to walk but my ass ain't gonna be tryin' to fight no weather to get to this damn place.

I may be able to get Bas to pick me up. And if that becomes the case, well then I'll have to waste some time with him before I come in. (he he)

Tomorrow is our Christmas party for work. Well, let me back up there a minute. Christmas dinner is more the term. We are only six people deep at this office, so it is hardly possible to have an actual party, so to speak. In my mind, a party has to be a minimum of ten. Otherwise it's a "get-together"
We tried to make reservations at this fancy schmancy restaurant called Asia de Cuba, but those mugs didn't have anything until 10pm. And I called 3 weeks ago!
So, we are going to have dinner at a great little German place that I recommended. Heidelberg. Not a lot of fanfare, but nonetheless, really good. Bas and I go eat there quite often. Especially in the winter. They have a great selection of beer served in giant mugs, delicious kraut and nice big weiners, or bratwurst if your mind is less dirty than mine.

Well, I'll let you all know aht is the dillio with the strike. If it happens it should make for for a very interesting blog.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger gelvis said...

Wow, sounds like eh (short pause)de...BACLE to me, LOL! Aren't the ideas of unions and strikes, and stuff like that foreign to you like me? We didn't have that in FL really, did we? I found out about it the hard way here in Portland...you know, my first real job, and the strike...getting called a SCAB. I got 'told'! I had to get edgamacated about what was really going on, and am now about to be in the union myself. Anyway, remember the Kitchen Club in Southbeach? There's a forum/chat for it, or, ahem, whatever's calling itself that now. But they say "since 1988" so I posted something on it. Here's the link: http://p082.ezboard.com/fkitchenclubfrm8
Good luck with getting to work!


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