Big ups to Gelvis
(w/sis in May '05)

Well, I broke my roll of the three day blogging set. Sorry 'bout that peeps.
But now I'm back, baby!
I just want to say hey to Gelvis because he leaves me these funny little comments that I really appreciate. I keep telling Gel to write his own blog. You (meaning me)
would really enjoy his stories. He had a story about being a SCAB. That is a person who works while a union is on strike. How funny would it be to read that story? Wouldn't you all (me, that is) like to hear about that? Send him an email and tell him to get those fingers moving.
So, regarding the strike that I started talking about in the last post. It's on. On until the break of dawn. The only thing is that it was postponed until today. Tuesday, instead of Friday. And I am sure as all of you have seen on the news, it's quite the scene. People are walking around everywhere. And you can't commute into the city unless you have 4 people in your car. And they have many checkpoints to ensure the rules are being followed.
And of course you should know, my sorry ass had to take advantage of the strike and sleep in a little bit later than usual. I'll take any excuse to sleep later. And that's because I can't stand getting up early in the morning. Hate it more than anything on this earth. It is painful. I mean it actually hurts. The sound of that alarm clock is worse than a blood curdling scream. I press the snooze button way too many times. I set my alarm extra early just so I can press the snooze button 3 times. And sometimes I really push the envelope by pressing it one extra time. Then I end up getting out of bed and racing around the house trying to get ready within 15 minutes. A shower? Out of the question. Breakfast? Not on your life. It's the minimum necessities with me. Brush teeth, brush hair, get dressed....out the door. Running to make that bus. And if I forgot my cell phone, well too damn bad for me.
I wish I could be one of those people who wakes up at the first sound of the alarm, treats their body to a nice long stretch with a grin on their face to welcome the new day, gets right out of bed opening the curtains and starts whistling before getting into the shower. Then leisurely walks around the house, having a little breakfast (and manage to put those dishes in the dishwasher), turn on the TV to see what's happening in this world, put on a little makeup, blow-dry their hair into a wicked nice style, get dressed and look in the mirror to make sure their ensemble is "just right" and then calmly head out the door. And ooops, if they forgot anything, well...just turn around and get it because they have that extra cushion of time.
I envy these sorts of people. Life must be so easy for them. How come they were lucky enough to inherit that "early" gene. How does that happen? WHY NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!?
But one thing I can say about myself is that I can stay up later than anyone. Even if I got up that day at 6 am, although I will get a little sleepy around 9 pm, I can stay up until 3 in the morn'. Which I suppose has no real advantage to it.
Except, I guess, I really never miss the drunkest people acting like fools at the party (makes for the best gossip the next day and I always get to be in on it) and let's not forget the fabulous infomercials that play at that time of night (hey, they sell some good shit sometimes). Like that CD I bought from Time/Life Music with all those cool songs from the 70's. Uh, yeah...that! If I didn't stay up late I would have missed out. Those early birds will never get to relish in sounds of the 70's like me. See?
I'm always going off an a tangent.
Now back to the strike.
I wasn't too badly affected. I took the bus as I normally do and got here in record time because there were so few cars on the road. But once I got into the city I had to walk a few avenues-like 20 minutes-to get to my office. So, not too bad. Other people had it way worse than me. Especially those who live in any of the peripheral boroughs such as the Bronx (where Jenny's from) or Crooklyn.
So, the question is, how long will this maddness be allowed to go on? Your guess is as good as mine.
But in the meantime, I will be burning at least 250 calories per day getting to and from work.
Now that's good stuff!
That's my girl! You go on wicha bad self...your post was so good, it made me get my lazy ass out of bed to type this comment. LOL! Maybe it was college, but you freakin' really have become an excellent writer, seriously! It's so enjoyable. I print your posts (sometimes a couple at a time, because I've been slackin' to read them) and save 'em as scrumptious morsels to enjoy for later. Keep it up!
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